AP Calc AB Free Response Questions

Below you will find Sample AP Calc Free Response Questions from previous years.

At a minimum, you should open and read through them ALL.

The more you read and understand how the AP College Board likes to ask questions,

the better prepared you will be when you are reading their language on the actual AP Calc exam.

Free Response

The most widely available, officially released portion of any AP Calc exam is the Free Response question. I have listed here the free response section from the past 5 years of AP Calclulus AB exams. The only year missing comes in 2020. The AP Calc AB 2020 entire exam was never released to the general public, and so I have skipped over that year.
I will be releasing my video solutions to all these sample free response questions over the course of the semester. Keep checking back in to see what the next release will be.

The Free Response section of the AP Calculus AB exam consists of two sections. A section that allows the use of a graphing calculator, and a section that does not allow a graphing calculator.
– Part A: 2 questions; 30 minutes; graphing calculator required.
– Part B: 4 questions; 60 minutes; calculator not permitted.


They have not yet officially released their solutions for the AP Calc 2022 free response question. I will list it here once it becomes available to all.



They did not officially release the 2020 AP Calculus AB Free Response or Multiple Choice sections.



2008: Multiple Choice Part A

2008: Multiple Choice Part B

Multiple Choice

There are far, far, far less released examples of previous AP Calculus AB multiple choice questions.
I will be releasing my video solutions to all of these questions over the course of the semester. Keep checking back in to see the latest releases.

The Multiple Choice section of the AP Calculus AB exam consists of two sections. A section that allows the use of a graphing calculator, and a section that does not allow a graphing calculator.
– Part A: 30 questions; 60 minutes; calculator not permitted.
– Part B: 15 questions; 45 minutes; graphing calculator required.

Full Exam

There are also very few full AP Calculus AB practice exams available to work from.
I really advise you to save this exam to use as one of the last practices you do. Since it is extremely unique to be able to practice a complete exam, I would take this exam under exam like conditions.

Multiple Choice:
– Part A: 30 questions; 60 minutes; calculator not permitted.
– Part B: 15 questions; 45 minutes; graphing calculator required.
Free Response:
– Part A: 2 questions; 30 minutes; graphing calculator required.
– Part B: 4 questions; 60 minutes; calculator not permitted.

Put yourself in a quiet space, set yourself a time, and use only the resources allowed to you in a test taking environment; your brain, a pencil, and a graphing calculator. DO NOT use any other materials.

At the end of that process you will have a much better idea of what you really know, and what you still need to practice.

I will be posting my video solutions to the complete exam later in the semester, please keep checking back in.

2012: Multiple Choice Part A

2012: Multiple Choice Part B

2012: Free Response Part A

2012: Free Response Part B