Limits Overview
Limit Notation (Left-Hand, Right-Hand, Overall)
Finding Limits Using a Graph
Finding a Limit Using Equations

Finding Limits Using an Equation

After you have learned how to find limits using a graph, you will then be asked to find the limits of equations. So, you no longer have a graph to work from, but you still need find the solution to a limit problem.

The majority of all the limit problems you will see can be broken down into one of 11-options (types of problems). Once you learn to identify the limit option you are looking at, the method you use to solve that limit problem will almost always be the same. You may have to apply more than one of the options to a limit problem, but it will almost always be one of these 11-options.

In each section I will provide you with the identifiers I use to determine the option, and also the method I follow to solve that type of limit problem. I also provide an example of each type of limit problem.

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