Limits Overview
Limit Notation (Left-Hand, Right-Hand, Overall)
Finding Limits Using a Graph
Finding a Limit Using Equations

Method: Absolute Value Limits

Divide and Conquer

Step 1: Try Option 1: Plug it in

Step 2: Divide the absolute value equation into two equations; left and right.

In order to do algebra on an absolute value equation, you need to split the equation up into its two component pieces. Remember every absolute value equation is really made up of two different equations. One equation coming in from the left,the negative side, and another equation coming in from the right, the positive side.


          To create the left equation, you will drop the absolute value bars and replace them with parenthesis and a negative time in front.

Left Example: | x + 2 | = ( x + 2 )

          To create the right equation, you will drop just drop the absolute value bars.

Right Example: | x + 2 | = x + 2

Step 3: Determine the overall limit by finding your left-hand limit and right-hand limit using the equations you created in Step 2 .

Finding these limits will require you to use some of your other limit options. Usually Option 1: Plug it in and Option 2: Factor and Cancel.

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